China provides US$ 1 Million for food assistance to Palestine refugees

The Chinese Government has provided a contribution of US$ 1 million for the food assistance in Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said today.

“The continued blockade, the persisting challenges of COVID-19 and the latest round of escalation of hostilities in May have further undermined food security of the majority of the Palestine refugee households, eroded their coping mechanisms and aggravated their living conditions. This timely contribution allow UNRWA to provide emergency food sufficient for one quarter to approximately 50,000 food-insecure Palestine refugees,” the agency said in a press release. 

UNRWA Acting Director of External Relations, Tamara Alrifai, said that this support confirms China’s commitment to the vital and life-saving food assistance provided by the Agency to over one million Palestine refugees in Gaza.


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