Teachers’ salary issue: Solution within three months, SL Education Minister says

Colombo: Following the cabinet meeting held yesterday, the ministers claimed that it is not practical to provide an instant solution to the salary anomalies of teachers and principals, which have remained unresolved for the past 24 years, Sri Lankan Education Minister G.L. Peiris said.

While addressing the media today he said, if the decision is taken, it will affect the parallel services of other public servants as well. Hence, it was decided to give sufficient thought to the entire public service and come up with a solution that is fair to all, Daily Mirror reported.

“Considering the current and serious health and the economic crisis in the country, the Cabinet ministers have decided to come up with a solution to this issue through the budget, which will be presented within three months. Due to the pandemic situation in the country, all the government income has collapsed. Most of all, it is essential to keep people alive,” he said.

“The Cabinet ministers have appreciated the services of the principals and teachers and requested them not to put the pressure on the students. There is no need to waste time. The aim of the cabinet ministers is to provide a fare conclusion to this issue.”


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