Looking back at the colonial background of Sri Lankan history, it is clear that the Sri Lankan government now has a very clear relationship with China and can see what changes will take place in the future.
The Portuguese who first came to Sri Lanka conquered the fort and entered, eventually signed with Dharmapala and captured the fort kingdom without a drop of blood.
Among the Sinhala kings who continued to fight with the Portuguese, Rajasingen II made a pact with Dutch at one point to expel the Portuguese. In the local dialect, it is said that the story of how the Sinhalese people later bought chili which is more spice by giving less spicy ginger. Because Dutch was more worst than Portuguese.
The same is the situation in the present-day Rajapakse, where the Indian, Australian, Asian, Western and American nations are on the sidelines of the war crimes, genocide, and genocide that took place during the brutal suppression of the Tamil rights struggle in Mullivaikkal.
To protect themselves from those pressures and to continue their rule, they have surrendered completely to China, legislated several agreements, and granted a separate island beyond the sovereignty of the country.
This is where they hate Tamils like Ginger and start living with China like chilli. It remains to be seen whether this will historically become the story of Rajasinghan II.
Seelan was the name given by the Chinese to Sri Lanka during the early days of trade with Sri Lanka on the Silk Road. It is no surprise if they keep the same name to the Port City.