Another Genocide has been carried out by the Sri Lankan government – Shivsakthi Anandan

Sivashakthi Anandan, a former Wanni district parliamentarian and general secretary of the Tamil People’s National Alliance, said the demolition of the monument in Mullivaikkal was tantamount to another genocide.

He further said in a media statement issued today,

“We strongly condemn the demolition of the Mullivaikkal memorial. Commemoration of the dead is a fundamental right enshrined in United Nations law and the Constitution of Sri Lanka. At present, there is a situation where even that fundamental right is being denied.

While the military administration in the country is working to block all avenues for democracy, it is now clear that the government is repressing the Tamil community as a whole by blocking the way to commemorate those who died in the war.

The international community needs to understand that Tamils ​​are fighting for their rights.

The international community must realize that Tamils have been denied their rights ​​and enslaved through repression. It should come forward to bring justice to the aggrieved party.

Because of the many promises made in the presence of the international community and the fact that those parties have given much advice to the Tamil side and asked them to make concessions, they are also responsible for this.

The banning of memorials for the dead is seen as an act of total disenfranchisement of the race fighting for justice and is seen as another attempt at genocide. ”


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