WB supports Sri Lanka, but investors fear

The World Bank’s reaffirmed its commitment to support Sri Lanka’s inclusive and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and emphasising the importance of investing in human capital. World Bank Vice President for South Asia Hartwig Schafer has confirmed this after concluded a six-day visit to Sri Lanka.

“Sri Lanka can harness the opportunity of its human capital potential to become a competitive player in the global economy,” said Schafer. 

Recently the World Bank has approved US $ 500 million loan to Sri Lanka.

However, a foreign investors said that the people from North and East have feared about military occupation, Sri Lankan government’s illegal land grabbing, and illegal occupation of the Sinhalese. Sri Lankan government is continuing prevention of terrorism act to arbitrary arrest the civilians, all these activities are creating panic among the investors.

Many diaspora investors have lost their investment due to the political instability in Sri Lanka, he further said.

Many occasions, Sinhalese protest against particular countries or type of investments and government is also playing background of these protest with help of collation partners.


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