The economic situation is deteriorating in Sri Lanka with shortages of basic necessities including medicines, fuel and food because of a shortage of hard currency to pay for imports. There may be long queues at grocery stores, gas stations and pharmacies. Local authorities may impose the rationing of electricity, resulting in power outages, the United Kingdom government has issued a travel advice today(2).
There have been a number of recent protests. One in Colombo on 31 March resulted in a curfew being temporarily imposed. There are reports that there will be further protests across the island in the next few days.
On 1 April 2022 the Government of Sri Lanka declared a public emergency, and an island-wide curfew is now in place from 6pm on 2 April 2022 until 6am on 4 April 2022. Local restrictions, including further curfews could be imposed at short notice. You should be vigilant, avoid any demonstrations or large gatherings, and follow the advice of the local authorities, statement further said.