Two Afghan journalists from Kabul-based newspaper Etilaatroz were brutally beaten with cables while in custody after the Taliban extremist forces detained them for covering protests by women in Kabul.
On Wednesday, September 8, women protestors came out on the streets for the second consecutive day in Kabul following the formation of the new government. Their ranks were broken by Taliban fighters who used violence. Journalists were beaten up and foreign reporters were taken to the police station.
According to Los Angeles Times, protestors had started to walk from a southwestern neighbourhood, holding placards aloft and shouting slogans. They were protesting against the lack of diversity in the caretaker government inaugurated on Tuesday night, which does not have anyone from the Hazara community or women.
They were first accosted by four Taliban fighters, who tried to push them back. However, after an argument with them, the women were allowed to continue their protest. But, another group of fighters a little way ahead turned their attention on the journalists covering the rally.
After surrounding them, the armed Taliban men lunged for one of the cameras of the two LA Times journalists.