Gotabaya’s call is similar to a call from Hitler to talk to the Jewish diaspora: TGTE

President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s declared readiness to talk to the Tamil Diaspora is similar to a call from Hitler to talk to the Jewish Diaspora if hypothetically Hitler had managed to remain in power following his genocide of Jews, Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) said in its latest statement. 

** Discussion of any kind with a genocidal state, even on a topic as important and in which the diaspora has such a stake as a political settlement to the National Question, would be extremely difficult.

On the sidelines of the ongoing UN General Assembly sessions, the UN Secretary-General met Sri Lanka’s President yesterday, September 20 and, according to the government-owned Daily News, the President told the Secretary-General that, “the internal issues of Sri Lanka should be resolved through an internal mechanism of the country and said the Tamil Diaspora would be invited for discussions in this regard.”[1]

Accountability is a prerequisite to any kind of political resolution. If Gota is genuinely interested in bringing peace to the island, the first step is — as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Al Hussain recommended in 2015 — that Sri Lanka should ratify the Rome Statue nunc pro tunc [retroactively] and give the International Criminal Court jurisdiction to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of the international crimes, namely genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes committed during the final stages of the armed conflict between the Sri Lankan state and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) which ended in 2009.

** As a First step, Gota should release all Tamil prisoners of war and political prisoners held on the island. He should stop this “General Amnesty” rubbish. Who must forgive whom?

** In addition, Gota should put a freeze on colonization under the guise of Archaeological research, development schemes, and forest preservation, as well as demilitarizethe North Eastern part of the island, the area of historical Tamil habitation. Furthermore, he should revamp the Office of Missing Persons to make it a neutral and credible institution, allowing the UN High Commissionerfor Human Rights to nominate international experts as members and constructing a mechanism for the victims to be involved throughout the process. He should also give veto power to the Tamil leadership with respect to foreign investment in the Tamil homeland.

** Finally, in coordination with the Tamil leadership, Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa must set a firm timetable for a referendum similar to the referendum supported by the former Prime Minister of the UK Mr. David Cameron with respect to Scotland. for the Tamils to decide their political destiny. The referendum should have various options including an independent and sovereign state of Tamil Eelam.

These necessary steps are the road map for peace, security and prosperity in the island of Sri Lanka.


WATCH – Sri Lanka’s Killing Field by UK’s Channel 4 :

▪ According to the UN Internal Review Report, over Seventy thousand (70,000) Tamils were killed in the first five months of 2009.

▪ These Tamils were killed due to deliberate and intense shelling and bombing of areas designated by the government as “no-fire zones”, where Tamil civilians had assembled for safety.

▪ Government also restricted food and medicine for Tamils, resulting in large numbers of people dying from starvation and many of the injured dying of their wounds.

▪ According to the UN Panel Report, the killings and other abuses that took place amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity. Independent international experts believe that there are elements of these abuses that constitute an act of genocide.

▪ International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) in February 2017 handed over details to UN of Sri Lankan Military run “Rape Camps”, where Tamil Women are being held as “Sex Slaves.”

▪ According to May 2012 report by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Human Rights and Democracy; there are up to Ninety thousand (90,000) Tamil War Widows in the North- East of Sri Lanka.

▪ Thousands of Tamils Disappeared, including Babies and Children. UN Working Group on Enforced Disappearances stated in 2020 that the Second Highest Number of Enforced Disappearance cases in the World is From Sri Lanka.

▪ According to independent organizations, Tamil Areas have the Highest Concentration of Security Forces in the World (Ratio: One soldier for every five Civilians). and


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