Gota appoints anti-Tamils and Muslims monk

A gazette notification was issued by the Sri Lankan President forming a Presidential Task Force for One Country, One Law chaired by Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) General Secretary Ven. Galagodaaththe Gnanasara Thera.

The gazette notification (2251/30) was issued yesterday (26) and 13 members were appointed as the members of the Task Force.

The Sri Lankan President authorizes the Presidential Task Force to make such inquiries and issue such instructions as required for the purpose of executing the tasks so entrusted.

Meantime, Journalist for democracy in Sri Lankan says that buddhist monk Gnanasara is known for inciting anti Muslim violence and convicted for four contempt of court charges in 2018.

He is also a well-known monk who creates violence against Tamils in North and East.


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