Sri Lankan delegation headed by accused war criminal Kamal Gunaratne visits Russia

A delegation of Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka headed by the Defence Secretary, and accused war criminal Kamal Gunaratne, visited Moscow in Russia, to attend the International military-technical Forum “Army-2021” and International Army Games-2021.

“The Forum Army-2021 is the largest platform for displaying the state-of-the-art Russian weapons and technologies, and gathers all major designers and manufacturers of the Defence industry of Russia and other countries, including Belarus, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, and India. The delegation attended the opening ceremony of the Forum and the Games inaugurated by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on 23 August 2021,” said in a press statement issued by Sri Lanka’s Foreign Ministry. 

The press release further said that the Defence Secretary and his team studied the Russian military equipment and armaments, attended to the several presentations and several meetings with representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defence, Russian manufacturers, including the world-famed Kalashnikov.


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