ADB appoints Japanese Kadono as new Country Director for Sri Lanka

Takafumi Kadono has been appointed as Country Director for Sri Lanka, Manila-based Asian Development Bank said.

Chen Chen, who was Sri Lanka Country Director ended his term on June 30.

“ADB will support the government’s efforts to undertake reforms through budgetary support anchored on the International Monetary Fund program, while providing assistance to ensure that the people of Sri Lanka are well-supported through the transition,” Kadono said in a statement.

Kad0no had joined the ADB is 2006 and held works as an energy specialist in Central, West and South East Asia departments.

He was stationed in Vietnam from 2012 to 2015 where he led projects in the power sector.

He also promoted the development of renewable energy in a fossil fuel dominated generation subsector.

In 2015 Kad0no had join the World Bank in 2015 as a Senior Energy Specialist for East Asia and the Pacific region.

He was involved in supporting the divestment of the state owned power utility in Viet Nam and the design of the wholesale electricity market and was also a member of the Climate Change and Green Growth Development Policy Operation.

In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, he led the formulation of the financial sustainability plan for the power sector, which was responsible for the bulk of public debt, advised the government on regional power trade, and was a member of the Green Growth Development Policy Operation.



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